sliding scale

*** As of February 2025-May/June 2025 I will be needing to scale back on offering sliding scale haircuts. I am going to be out of the salon for 6 weeks recovering from surgery, so I am trying to make and save as much as I can. This may change based on the amount you’re able to offer, my availability and if other folks donate to my mutual aid haircut fund. Please don’t hesitate to send me an email so we can chat about this.***

I offer several sliding scale appointments a month for haircuts(only). Please email me to book them at

The way that the sliding scale works, is that guests who have the means to donate to my Mutual Aid Haircut Fund will help cover the cost of haircuts for guests who do not have the ability to pay full price due a myriad of reasons. Sometimes these funds are depleted, and in that case I will comp the cost. Prices for haircuts currently range from $71-$95 depending on the length and amount of hair being cut. However when booking a sliding scale haircut, you pay whatever you’re able to. I’m also happy to be offered a trade of equal or lesser value. Though if I do not have a need or want for a trade offered, please do not take it personally. 

I am often asked how one ethically chooses how much they are able to budget when requesting a sliding scale haircut appointment. So I have created a guide to invite oneself to take inventory of one’s financial resources, and take a deeper look at one’s level of financial privilege. It’s ok to have resources, it’s ok to not have them. I believe haircuts are a part of essential, self care, and having this option makes it far more accessible. No proof of income required. 

Pay more if you:

  • Own the home you live in, or are able to afford the market rate rent or higher.

  • Have a relatively high degree of earning power due to level of education, gender, racial privilege, class background, etc. Even if you are not exercising this earning power at the moment, I ask you to recognize this choice.

  • Have investments, retirement accounts, or inheritance.

  • Can be supported by generational wealth when times get tough.

  • Have the ability to travel recreationally.

  • Have access to family money and resources in times of need.

  • Have the choice to work part time, or the choice not to work entirely due to income of a partner or family support.

  • Affording services is a sacrifice rather than a hardship, ie: if you pay as much for other items or services that are of value to you, like shoes, a class, or splurge on a nice dinner out etc. If accessing these services would be a trade off with one of these things, you should be paying higher on the scale.

Pay less if you:

  • Are living on unemployment, disability, or are on limited income without backup support from family or a partner.

  • Are experiencing houselessness(houseless folks receive complimentary haircuts).

  • Are sick/disabled impacting your ability to work or earn money.

  • Give unpaid volunteer time to the community or a non profit org.

  • If you are supporting your entire family or yourself on minimum wage or less.

  • Paying for a service would lead to severe economic hardship, ie: being unable to put food on the table, pay rent, pay medical bills, or for transportation to get to and from work.

  • If you are eligible for, or on public/gov assistance.

When not to use sliding scale:

The sliding scale offering is NOT about what one might feel a service SHOULD cost or would prefer to pay, but what one can afford to access. Finally, please do not be ashamed if you have found you’ve utilized the wrong end of the scale in the past. Just choose differently next time, that way we can keep things sustainable for all parties involved. For any additional questions or concerns, and to set up your future sliding scale haircut appointment, please email me at

I would like to credit Hadassah Damien, author of for her guidance in developing this sliding scale model.

To donate to my mutual aid haircut fund, please click here.